Welcome to Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee
The Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee aims to prevent, reduce and eliminate domestic and family violence on the Central Coast through education, awareness, advocacy and community engagement.
The committee recognises that taking positive steps towards breaking the cycle of domestic and family violence is a whole of community responsibility, requiring on-going education and activities that challenge attitudes and behaviours which maintain and/or support violence within our community.
The committee further recognises that primary prevention strategies are key in ending family violence and are committed to building strong community partnerships, particularly with local schools, in order to address this need. First and foremost, this committee advocates for the rights of women and children to live free from violence, shame and blame.
Membership of the CCDVC is a demonstration of your solidarity – there is strength in numbers, and our region is known for being the strongest interagency in NSW.
Find and obtain the right help and support you or a loved one needs.